Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

日本型ものづくり- 3 日本経済とものづくり

Economy of Japan experienced a change from agriculture-based country into an industrial-based country. This change was started from the light industry, and gradually towards heavy and chemical industries. This change requires three elements, namely land, labor and capital.

After defeated in World War II, Japan had lost its land, namely land of Japan`s colonies in Asia, as well as capital. Therefore, Japan made efforts to revive the economy such as: for the land sector, Japan tried to do the reclamations of land it owned to build the factories. However, this did not work a lot. In terms of capital, Japan tried to make capital acquisitions to assemble his capital to rebuild its economy. In the case of labor, which was the only Japan owned at the time, Japan did a lot of labor absorption of rural areas to work in urban areas.

Around the year of 1955, Japan has managed to restore the economy back as the pre-war period. So, it was declared no longer as post-war period, because the economy is back as before the war. In 1960, the government announced a doubling income plan. The program aims for Japan to double its income around 7.2% each year, so that in 10 years, Japan income would be doubled compared with that time. The period is also called the golden egg, in which many fresh graduates from high school got to work in factories in larger cities.

As mentioned earlier, Japan experienced a shift from the state of agriculture-based country to the light industry finally to the state of heavy and chemical industry-based country. This also would result in economic shift from a labor intensive, land intensive, and eventually become capital intensive country.

To support this change, Japan made some policies, particularly those relating to industry. In the case of imports, Japan had gradually made the substitution of products imported and slowly reduced its import. With these policies, the state-owned property remained in the country. Also reducing imported products circulating in the country will simultaneously stimulate the local industry to continue to grow. With the growth of the domestic industry, the exports can be increased, so that will add the income received by Japan.

In the case of exports, Japan made several policies, namely neutral policy, increasing exports and labor intensive products. These regulations are set in such a way that Japan wanted to become export-based countries. Then Japan also conducts policy hollowing out the industry to encourage foreign investment and stimulate local production.
In addition to the policy in terms of exports and imports, Japan had also continued to globalize its product, sales and management. With globalization, Japan can do production overseas, and can increase the exports of foreign countries.

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Short Getaway

Lupakan semua beban pikiran, ayo kita joget dulu..

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Hidup Adalah Anugerah

[taken from readers digest Indonesia mailing list]

Hari ini sebelum engkau berpikir untuk mengucapkan kata-kata kasar,
Ingatlah akan seseorang yang tidak bisa berbicara.

Sebelum engkau mengeluh mengenai cita rasa makananmu, Ingatlah akan
seseorang yang tidak punya apapun untuk dimakan.

Sebelum engkau mengeluh tentang suami atau isterimu, Ingatlah akan
seseorang yang menangis kepada Tuhan meminta pasangan hidup.

Hari ini sebelum engkau mengeluh tentang hidupmu, Ingatlah
akan seseorang yang begitu cepat pergi ke surga.

Sebelum engkau mengeluh tentang anak-anakmu, Ingatlah akan
seseorang yang begitu mengharapkan kehadiran seorang anak, tetapi tidak

Sebelum engkau bertengkar karena rumahmu yang kotor, dan tidak ada yang
membersihkan atau menyapu lantai, Ingatlah akan
orang gelandangan yang tinggal di jalanan.

Sebelum merengek karena harus menyopir terlalu jauh, Ingatlah
akan sesorang yang harus berjalan kaki untuk menempuh jarak yang sama.

Dan ketika engkau lelah dan mengeluh tentang pekerjaanmu, Ingatlah akan
para penganguran, orang cacat dan mereka yang menginginkan pekerjaanmu.

Sebelum engkau menuding atau menyalahkan orang lain, Ingatlah bahwa
tidak ada seorang pun yang tidak berdosa dan kita harus menghadap pengadilan

Dan ketika beban hidup tampaknya akan menjatuhkanmu, Pasanglah senyuman di
wajahmu dan berterima kasihlah pada Tuhan karena engkau masih hidup dan ada
di dunia ini. Hidup adalah anugerah, jalanilah, nikmatilah, rayakan dan
isilah itu.


Ngeblog = Trend ??

Dulu, waktu gw blom ngeblog, kayanya semua orang punya blog deh. Sampe2 dari blog2 itu banyak yang dibikin buku pula.. ckck..
Sekarang, pas udah ngeblog, eh.. gw liat semua (kebanyakan) blog temen2 gw posting terakhirnya setahun, malah ada yang udah dua tahun yang lalu. hehe. Trus dari situ, timbullah pertanyaan dari dalam diri gw: "Apa waktu itu anak2 ngeblog cuman buat ngikut trend doang ya?" hehehe,, tapi mungkin nggak juga sih. Mungkin aja mereka bener2 suka nulis, cuman sekarang2 ini ga sempet karena banyak kerjaan, dll.
Kalo buat gw, gw tahu diri lah yauw gw ga bisa2 amat nulis, mengarang, atau apapun itu disebutnya yang artinya menuangkan ide dari dalam pikiran ke dalam sebuah tulisan. Beneran, dari SD gw paling ga bisa kalo disuruh ngarang. Trus pas belajar bahasa Inggris atau Jepang, kalo disuruh bikin kalimat, pasti blank aja gitu. Ga ada ide. hehe.
Maka dari itu, gw ga bikin blog dengan sok2an mau buat menceritakan pengalaman gw sehari2. hahaha.. Gw bikin blog tadinya cuman mau bikin report tentang pengalaman2 gw pas belajar di negeri orang ini. Jadi, kalo ntar gw udah balik ke Indonesia, bisa gw baca2 lagi nih blog. Jadi sebenernya "dari gw, oleh gw, untuk gw" hahahaha.. Lumayan menghemat space hard disk.
Malah gw merasa heran kalo ada orang lain yang mau membaca tulisan gw ini. 'ko mau2nya baca tulisan jelek begini?' hahahaha..

Btw, gw lagi sakit nih. Untung demamnya udah turun. Tapi masih pilek berat dan tenggorokan masih sakit nih. Satu hal yang gw dapet: Kalo lo lagi berada di negeri orang, JANGAN SAKIT! Apalagi buat orang yang ga bisa masak kaya gw. Pas lagi pengen2 tidurnya, gw harus bangun dan jalan ke kantin universitas cuman buat makan siang, dan makan malem. hhhh...
Entah mengapa, dari dulu gw gampang sakit. Ya masuk angin lah, ya sinusitis lah, aduuuuuhh..
Apa gw kurang olahraga ya? Tapi temen2 gw yang lain juga ga pernah olahraga dan mereka baik2 aja tuh..
Doakan saja gw cepet sembuh yaa...

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

日本型ものづくり- 2 日本人の労働観を支えるもの

This is the next part of my assignment.

As a worker, Japanese people rarely have the desire to switch jobs. In Japan, it is known the concept of 雇用, which means the ‘lifetime employment system’. Nature of loyalty that is owned by the Japanese workers does not just happen but formed by a system created by every part of the society of Japan that includes government, companies, even workers themselves.

From the legal standpoint, the Japanese government creates such laws, making it difficult for companies to fire employees. Therefore, if there is a worker whose performance is not good, then the company will not fire him, but would asked him to leave of the company, or put this worker into a new job or new condition which is less well for his position, so that over time these worker will feel isolated and wasted and will ask to leave the company.

From the workers’ point of view, the Japanese people were told that moving jobs is not a good thing. Thus, when they face an uncomfortable situation in their companies, they will try to be patient until things got better again. People who switch jobs too often will be treated as people who do not have competencies, and companies where these kinds of people apply for jobs would be reluctant to hire them. Japanese people also like a comfortable situation in their working environment. The point of comfortable here is to have colleagues that they have known very well and can work together, also to avoid moving to a new environment which they do not know yet. Therefore, Japanese people avoid switching jobs.

The Companies also consider much about the importance of their employee’s loyalty. This is because they see their employees as an investment, namely through education and a variety of trainings. If their employees move to other company, it will be considered as large losses by companies because of the investments they already made become futile. Or even further, the companies afraid their ex employees will give away their secret of business to their competitors. Therefore, the company also creates a system to maintain the loyalty of his employees.

This system can be seen from the provision of salaries and retirement benefits. The provision of salaries and other benefits in Japanese companies is not based on the competencies possessed by the workers, but is calculated from how long they had served the company. The new employees will be entered in the bottom position in the company management system and will receive a salary that is not too high and the amount of the salary among them who are in similar positions will be the same. However, if they have worked long enough for the company, their salaries will increase drastically, and they will be given an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to earn extra income.

This system can result many benefits. From employees’ point of view, although they must be satisfied with a salary that is not too high in their early period of work, but they will feel comfortable while working, because this system creates a harmonious relationship between superiors and subordinates, as well as senior and junior. In addition, over time, they will earn a much higher salary, so they can make financial plans for themselves, or their family. It also makes workers want to work hard during their youth, so when they have reached old age, they will already have a comfortable life and do not have to work too hard.

From the companies’ point of view, with the existence of this system, they will not have to pay more for workers in their early period of working. In addition, because of natural selection, as these workers reach working age that deserves to be paid more, in aggregate, the companies do not need to spend too much money, because the total amount of employees in that position has been reduced by natural selection. The other benefit for these companies is this system makes the workers of these companies work hard to reach the better status and higher earnings at their companies, so that in overall, the companies’ performance will also be increased.

In terms of team work, Japanese people have been educated since childhood to be able to work in a team. This is shown by the Japanese education, that is for example in primary schools, the students will be divided into groups and these groups are required to do various tasks, so that over time those students will be able to work in a team, even in the future, when they start working for companies.

The people of Japan also see a relation between themselves and others as very important thing. They do their best to keep their behavior so that they will not be hated or ignored by others. This comes from a combination of Buddhist culture and Confucianism that tells people to be good to others, because there will come days when they will need help from others.

Just Stand Up, Be your own miracle

Very inspiring song, dont you think?
Especially for the pessimistic me, who always think of the worst of everything..

Everything will be alright, yeah

The heart is stronger than you think
It's like it can go through anything
And even when you think it can't it finds a way
To still push on though

Sometimes you want to run away
Ain't got the patience for the pain
And if you don't believe it
Look into your heart the beat goes on

I'm tellin' you: Things get better through whatever
If you fall dust it off don't let up
Don't you know you can go, be your own miracle

You need to know

If the mind keeps thinking
You've had enough but the heart
Keeps telling you don't give up
Who are we to be questioning
Wondering what is what
Don't give up through it all just stand up

It's like we all have better days
Problems getting all up in your face
Just because you go through it
Don't mean it got to take control, no

You ain't gotta find no hiding place
Because the heart can beat the hate
Don't wanna let your mind keep playin' you
And sayin' you can't go on

I'm tellin' you: Things get better through whatever
If you fall dust it off don't let up
Don't you know you can go be your own miracle
Carrie Underwood:
You need to know

You don't gotta be a prisoner in your mind
if you fall dust it off you can live your life

Let your heart be your guide
And you will know that you're good
If you trust in the good

Everything will be alright, yeah
Light up the dark if you follow your heart
And it will get better through whatever

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

This is Sri Mulyani Speaking..

Got this from Readers Digest Indonesia mailing list..

If people ask you, "what is the problem of your country?", you shall not give them the answer, "ruwet" or "its complicated" , "difficult".

But please, define what 'ruwet' is...
Please determine what 'complicated' is...
Please elaborate more what 'difficult'is. ...

Because the word 'ruwet' means you can't even find the exact word to describe your country's problem, which turns out you hardly even recognize what happen to your country.

So, i suggested, let's sit together, mapping the problem, extract what 'ruwet' consist of, and find the solution!

Yang membedakan kualitas negara satu dengan yang lain isn't about the problem the face because most of the
countries of the world are having the same pattern of problem, dari masalah korupsi, natural disaster hingga poverty, but the world should have seen how we set up mechanism to solve the problem.

Just as a simple as that, you have the role to put
Indonesia in strategic position in political map of the world.

You shall not feel like a winner if you're standing around the losers, but when you behave by being rational and logic with your condition among the excellents.

Indonesia, as the matter of fact, is de facto leader in Asia, and we have to support it.

If you realize youre not capable to be a great leader then youve gotta be a good citizen. Support your country, set up your own rule and make a decison.

What ive seen so far, all the leaders' campaign has always been based on financial spending. We, as the ones who understand monetery condition of this country sometimes wondering, "could that possibly happen?"

So, here i enlighten you...


Why am i becoming the Best Finance Minister in Asia? I think, what im doing is just explaining the problem.

and yes, this is Sri Mulyani's speaking...

-Sri Mulyani-
paparan pada Rapat Kerja Pimpinan Kementerian Luar Negeri RI

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

In memory of those moments...

Ohh.. miss those days so much. Unfortunately, I dont have any video of The Chambers (wedding band of mine)

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Very Touching Story..

Got this from Kaskus website. Very touching. Just wanna share it though. enjoy!

There was a 4th grade boy in an area in Camarines Sur Milaor who daily took the route through the region and across the rocky ground the dangerous highway where a lot of high speeding vehicles passing by.
Every time he managed to cross the road, the boy stopped briefly to the Church every morning just to say hello to God. His routine has been observed by a priest who was moved to meet the innocent boy attitude and believe it. "How are you Andy? Are you going to school?"
"Yes, Reverend Father!" Andy replied with a smile that priest would be touched.
He was so concerned of the safety of Andy One day he said to the boy, "Do not cross the highway. Every time you come home from school you could come to church and I will accompany you to the other side of the road. So in a way I can see that you are home safely. "
"Thank you, Reverend Father."
"Why do not you go home now?? Do you live in the Churchafter school? "
"I just wanted to say hello to God ...... my friend." And the priest would leave the boy to spend time at the altar, talking to himself, but then the priest would be hiding behind the altar to listen to what Andy talked to our Father in Heaven. Andy said, "You know my math exam was pretty bad today, but I did not cheat although my friend did. I ate one cracker and drank my water. My father had a bad season and all I can eat is this cracker. Thank you for this! I saw a poor kitten who was hungry and I gave it my last piece of cracker. Funny thing is, I'm not that hungry. Look, this is my last shoes. I may have to walk barefoot next week. You know these shoes will be damaged, but it is okay ...... I am still going to school, anyway. People say we will have a hard season this month, even some of my friends had to quit school. Please help them get to school again. Please God .. ... Oh yeah, you know that mother hit me because I was bad. It was painful, but I know this pain will disappear, at least I still have a mother. Lord, you want to see my bruises? I know you can heal, Here .. here .. I guess you already knew about this .....?? Please do not be angry to my mother, will You??? She is just tired and worries for the food and school fees .. That's why She hit me. Oh God. I think I'm falling in love at the moment. There's a beautiful girl in my class, named Anita. Do You think she will like me? Anyway, at least I know you still like me because I do not have to be somebody else to please You. You are my friend. .. Hey your birthday just two days away, are not you excited?? Wait till you see, I have a gift for you. But this is a surprise for you. I hope you will like. Oooops, I must go now. " Then Andy got up and called priest, "Reverend Father, Father, Reverend, I've finished talking to my friend, you can accompany me across the street now!"

This continued every day, Andy was never absent though. Reverend Agaton shared this story to the people in his church every Sunday because he had never seen a faith and a genuine belief in God .... a very positive look at negative situations. On Christmas day, the Reverend Agaton was sick so he could not lead the church and was in the hospital. The church handed over management to the 4 old women who never smiled and always find fault in what others do.They are also versed in cursing if you irritate them. They were kneeling holding their rosary when Andy came from a Christmas party at his school, and said "Hi God ..."
"How dare you boy! Do not you see we're praying ....!!!" Get Out !!!
Andy was so surprised, "Where is the Reverend Father Agaton? He is supposed to help me cross the street. He always told me to come through the back door of the Church. Not only that, I also have to greet Jesus was the day of his birthday, I have a gift for Him ...."
When Andy would take the gift out of his shirt, one of the four women pulled his collar and pushed him out of the Church. While making the sign of the cross he said "Get out boy .... you'll get it!" Therefore, Andy had no choice but to cross the dangerous highway in front of the Church.
He started to cross when suddenly a bus came with a very high speed, because there is an invisible corner views. The boy was protecting his gift inside his shirt, so he did not see the bus coming. Little time to escape, but it was not enough .... and Andy was killed by. People were running around and around the boy was lifeless. Suddenly, from nowhere a man in white with a smooth face and gentle, but filled with tears come and hug the boy. She was crying.
People are curious about him and asked, "Excuse me sir, are you related to this child? Do you know him?" The man with the heart of mourning for the suffering that so quickly stood up and said, "He is my friend." Ha that's what he was saying.
He took the badly wrapped gift in the lifeless boy, and put it on his chest. He then stood up and took the boy away and they both disappeared. The crowd was curious ...
On Christmas Eve, Father Agaton received shocking news. He visited the house, and wanted to verify about the man in white. The priest met and chatted with Andy's parents.
"How do you know your son died?"
"A man in white brought him here," sobbed the mother.
"What did he say?"
The father answered, "He did not say anything. He was mourning. We do not know him but he was very lonely over son's death as if he knew Andy very well. But there was something peaceful and unexplainable about him. He gave me my son and smiled softly. Andy He brushed the hair from her face and gave a kiss on the forehead and then she whispered something ...
"What's he saying?"
"He said to my boy ..... 'Thanks for the gift. I will see you soon. You will be with me.'" And the father continued, "you know later, it felt so wonderful. I was crying but did not know why. All I know is I cried with happiness .... I can not explain, Fathers, but when he left us was a peace that filled our hearts. I felt a love so deep in my heart .. I can not describe the joy in in my heart. I know my boy is in heaven now. But please tell me, Reverend Father, who is this man who always talked to my son every day in your church? You should know because you're always there every day, except at the time of his death . "
Reverend Agaton suddenly felt the tears trickling down his cheeks, with trembling knees, he whispered, "He did not talk to anyone, except with the Lord."

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

日本型ものづくり- イントロダクション

Hiii allll...
Sorry.. been too lazy to write. lol.
As an apology, here's one of my Intro to Japs Production System class' assignment. Think I would like to share to all of you.

Japan is one of the most advanced countries in the world, with no doubt. However, the condition that Japan has achieved now is not obtained easily, but with great struggle. Especially since the defeat in World War II, Japanese society continued to work with tenacity until Japan became one of the most advanced countries in the world.

The hard work that Japanese people have been doing not only has produced great progress for their country, but also becomes an ingrained culture, which is embedded in their society. The culture of work that is owned by Japanese people until now has become their cornerstone of life and has become their basis of doing any action. Those cultures also distinguish Japanese people from other society in other country, especially Asian countries. Asian countries need to follow the example of those cultures of Japanese people to aim for developing their countries, among them are:

1. Japanese people have a high dedication to their work.

Japanese society in general is always working with the totality and dedication for what they do. They also have a strong desire to always make the best of his work. That spirit is owned by every worker in every job sector in Japan, ranging from government officials, factory workers, even the waiter or shopkeeper at restaurants or stores.

2. Japanese people in general, rarely have the desire to move from his job.
Japanese people are also known for having high loyalty to the job. Once employed at a company, they will feel like a part of a large family in the company, so they will not have the desire to part with his family.

3. Senior citizens of Japan still have a high desire to work.
Although already retired from his previous work, the senior citizens of Japan still have the desire to work. This desire is driven by the desire to be useful for their community. Therefore, in Japan it is often found senior citizens who keep working, even for some jobs that seem to be difficult to handle by the elderly.

4. The workers in Japan are generally obedient to his superiors' orders.
Japanese people are generally polite and friendly, and as much as possible want to avoid conflicts that can occur. Therefore, they are best to obey the orders given by superiors as well as possible. In addition, Japanese workers also generally have a sense of fear of bad treatment from their bosses and colleagues, therefore, they choose to behave and do the best of their job.

In addition to the above culture, Japanese society also has many proverbs that describe how the Japanese people want and are expected to work hard in their life. Among them are:

1. 額に汗して働く。

This proverb means "work by the sweat of the forehead". The existence of this proverb suggests that Japanese society is required to work hard, and compared with working until the forehead sweats.

2. 油まみれになって働く

Proverb above roughly means "work until your hand is greasy". The meaning of this point is more or less similar to the proverb at the first point.

3. 浮利を追わず

This proverb means roughly that we should not seek or pursue a short-term advantage. With this proverb, it seems that in working, Japanese society tend to think far ahead. Not only in terms of profit, but also in terms of risk.

4. 士農工商

Sentence above implies that there were four classes in Japanese society. In the past, Japanese society is divided into four social strata, starting from the highest warrior class, the class of farmers, craftsmen class, and the mercantile class.
When viewed in economic capacity, there may be irregularity in the order of the social strata that was owned by Japan in the past. Class of farmers, despite financial ability may be the lowest among the four classes, is in second place in the social strata.
One reason why the Japanese government in the past set the order in which such social strata was because the government wanted to respect the peasants, who worked to produce something, that is food for the people of entire Japan, more than the merchants who make a profit with the exchange of goods.
With that circumstance, it can be concluded that Japanese people are required to produce something while working. This is of course closely related of having efficiency and effectiveness in the work, so that the work performed will be productive.

In conclusion, the success achieved by the Japanese is the fruit of the efforts of its people, and not through a shortcut. Even companies that now have worldwide reputations such as Honda and Toyota start from small business and keep growing, until it becomes global as now.